Throughout known history, virtually every society ate, drank and enjoyed fermented foods. From this, regional flavors and techniques gradually developed into a large array of enjoyable, low-‐tech delicacies. This gives a cornucopia to explore of easy to preserve delights that you can make in your own kitchen. When you go out to ethnic restaurants have
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You might have realized by now that there is no specific ‘right diet’ for everyone; each person is an individual and has individual needs for balance. That being said, there are many general rules that every ‘Monarch’ can consider to keep their kingdom of elves (micro-organisms) happy and their kingdom of the microbiome, as a
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In earlier blogs we introduced you as a Monarch of a large kingdom somewhere in the realm of 300 – 500 trillion subjects. Take that Queen Elizabeth! The elves, I mean bacteria, and other microorganisms making up your microbiome are your subjects. Like any benevolent ruler, you have a responsibility to your subjects. These subjects
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When you were a child, did you play knights and princesses? Were you sure you would grow up to be a King or Queen of your own domain? I am here to tell you that you did grow up to rule your very own Kingdom. Yes, and it is not a small kingdom either. You
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