Avebury 2nd Century BCE For over 35 cycles of the sacred Sun, I have trained hard and long for this moment. Being in the position of Arch Druid, it is up to me to feel the pulse and direct the ceremony. The drums are pounding and I can feel the electricity of anticipation building in
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In our last two blogs on the Pineal Gland, we looked at some of the many connections for this small gland and spiritual development. From being called the ‘principle seat of the soul’ to the ‘Third Eye’, we saw how many mystery schools, religions, cults, philosopher and even politicians have viewed this hidden gland with
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As mentioned in earlier Blogs, the pineal gland has many interesting and curious connections to spirit. Often called the ‘Third Eye’ this small endocrine gland, buried deep in the center of the brain, has become the focus of many masters and shamans of the past. It has been claimed to be the ‘principle seat of
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One of the most wondrous parts of our physical body is the Pineal Gland. It is also called the epiphysis cerebri, epiphysis, conarium or the “Third Eye.” It is a small endocrine gland in the vertebrate brain. It produces serotonin and melatonin, hormones that affect mood and modulate our wake/sleep patterns and seasonal functions. Its
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