High Blood Pressure

    Arteriosclerosis, obesity, stress, excessive salt intake, nervous tension, kidney malfunction and many other factors make it necessary for the heart to work harder in order to pump blood and nutrients to the various body parts. In an attempt to defend itself and correct the situation, the body responds with high blood pressure, otherwise known as hypertension.
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Allergies (Hay fever)

Hay fever, asthma, hives, nausea, dizziness, diarrhea, headaches, chills and inflammation of the skin are common allergic reactions. Allergens found in dust, pollen and common foods, such as milk, flour or soy, create these conditions in persons who are hyper (over) sensitive to them. In an effort to rid itself of the obnoxious substance, the
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Bladder Infections

See also Candida, Kidney and Bladder Both men and women suffer from bladder infection or Cystitis, but it is more common in women. Some people have a tendency to cystitis from time to time, but it is easy to treat. Bladder infections are characterized by an urgent desire to empty the bladder. When a recurring bladder infection
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