The Changing Brain: Part 2

  In the last blog, we started looking at some of the ideas that were brought up in Deepak Chopra’s book Super Brain (written by Deepak Chopra M.D. and Rudy Tanzi Ph.D; ). What was immediately apparent was that many of the old ideas of nerves and the brain, that most of people from my
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The Changing Brain

I have been reading Deepak Chopra’s book Super Brain lately (written by Deepak Chopra M.D. and Rudy Tanzi Ph.D; It has some great information, as I have come to expect from Deepak. Of course this topic goes way beyond the brain, moving from medicine, anatomy, quantum physics to the esoteric side of spirituality –
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Can the Body Control the Mind?

This is an interesting question, which is not all that straight forward to answer. Most people in the modern world feel the body’s metabolism reflects your state of mind. A current study suggests this is not always true.  Our biological clocks actually opens and closes specific communication channel in our brains.