By Terry Willard ClH,PhD This is the Fifth blog in this series. The first one looked at a few mini case studies and a possible framework to look at. The second related to more of the causes. The third blog we will start to look at resources to result autoimmune issues. In the fourth blog
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By Terry Willard ClH,PhD This is the third blog in this series. The first one looked at a few mini case studies and a possible framework to look at. The second related to more of the causes. In this blog we will start to look at resources to result autoimmune issues. Still other environmental factors
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By Terry Willard ClH PhD This is the second blog in this series. The first one looked at a few mini case studies and a possible framework to look at. I concluded it saying that there might be some controversy as we look at health and the immune system in a different way. I also
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Part 1/5 By Terry Willard ClH,PhD In these confusing times, many people are having a hard time balancing traditional beliefs with current affairs. If our body reflects our environment, is the conflict between our old beliefs and our new environment responsible for the increase in autoimmune diseases? This is the first of a multi-blog series in preparation
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